Eudaemonia Life Simulator v4

3.29.24: Added constitution (i.e. physical sensitivity) & psychic sensitivity (neurot) as stats.
These differ from HP (which is health, whereas CON is how char's health is affected).
Forgot briefly that "mental health" was Morale. But yes, remember that. That's yer brain's HP. Neurotics take big hits to that, but also get empathy buffs & psychic flashes.

9.12.22: This version is random and cruel. It generates stats and doesn't use them at all to impact life events. Life events repeat. They are not even slightly tailored to the individual character. In future versions, my goal is to cause stats to influence life events. To remove redundancy in life events. To make life events age specific. To use material resources (outer worth) as well, to influence options, using them as buffs/advantages on dice rolls. Much like a D&D game that plays itself, then tells you what it did. In future versions, the character's temperament will be described, influenced by his/her stat roll. The character will also come into certain careers/jobs/reputations, as s/he progresses through life. A sprite will probably be generated to represent this character, as well. --Crowey

Known bugs:Currently freezes when both Lifeforce values reach 100 or 0.